Showing posts with label authentication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label authentication. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hands on Xamarin Platform Pipeline - Develop - Add Facebook authentication

In this article I'll show you how to add Facebook authentication to the "RememberIt" mobile application.

If not yet done, please read the previous post in the Hands on Xamarin Platform Pipeline series.

Facebook app creation

In order to be able to add Facebook authentication, we need to create a Facebook App. To do this, navigate to:, click on "Add a New App" button then fill in the application information.
Go to Settings then copy the App ID.
Then always in Settings, click on Add Platform then Select Android.
Fill in the following information:
- Google Play Package Name: the package name defined in Android Manifest file.
- Class Name: MainActivity in our case.
- Key Hashes: where we can add Debug and Release Android key hashes. To generate the Debug Key hash, open the terminal then run the command below:
Use 'android' as password then copy-paste the generated hash key.
Now, click on Add Product under Products category then choose Facebook Login.
Now, activate all the OAuth parameters and use the URL: as Valid OAuth redirect URL.
Finally, we can make our Facebook application public under App Review menu as shown below.

Add Facebook authentication to RememberIt application

For this, we will use the great Xamarin Component Xamarin.Auth, for more details you can check the official documentation.

Within the project, double click on Components then search for Xamarin.Auth.

Click on 'Add to App', once installed we can browse some samples as well as the documentation directly on Xamarin IDE.
Now, within the project double click on References then add the assembly System.Json.
Modify the manifest file to add internet permission and app_id meta data as presented below.

Open the Main.axml layout then add the facebook button.

On the MainActivity class create a static TaskScheduler for UI.

Then, create a method LoginToFacebook that will perform all the job. Below the documented source code of the method:

Now, all we need to do is to wire the method to the button click, add the following code in the OnCreate method:

Build, Deploy and ...

Complete source code is available on GitHub.

See you soon!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Hands on Xamarin Platform Pipeline - Develop - Add authentication using Azure Active Directory

After creating an offline application following the previous post.

Now, we will start convert our offline application to a connected one using Microsoft Azure tools. In this post we'll add authentication using Azure Active Directory.

Application Creation on Azure Active Directory

To do this, login to and in case you don't have Azure Subscription a trial can be requested. Then, click on Active Directory as shown in the image below.
Select an Active Directory, navigate to Applications tab, click ‘Add‘ button then select ‘Add an application my organization is developing‘.
Choose an application name and make sure to select ‘Native Client Application‘ as type of application.
On the final screen, provide the ‘Redirect URI‘ then validate the application creation.
Once the app is created, navigate to ‘Configure‘ tab then write down the ‘Client ID’ that we’ll use later.

User Creation on Active Directory

In Active Directory main screen, navigate to Users tab, click on Add User button then chose a user name, in my case the user name shall be:
Fill in some information about the user.
At the last step generate a temporary password that we can use for the first authentication in order to chose the final password.

Update the mobile Application

Add the package named Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (Azure ADAL) to the application.
Add a button to the Main.axml layout, we can use the Android graphical designer.
In the MainActivity class add the following constants.

Now, invoke the authentication process then save the result to authResult variable.

Finally, override the OnActivityResult method to get the authentication result.

Below some screenshots.

Complete source code can be found on Github.

See you soon!